My Muffin Story

My Muffin Story

Have you ever had God speak directly to you? Not in an audible voice but in a voice that is clear and distinctly speaking to you. One that you know undoughtely is coming from the Lord.

Let me tell you about a time when the Lord spoke directly to me and what He said.
This is a true story that focuses on what God wants us to do and He did it using a chocolate muffin, but not the typical chocolate muffin.  This is one of those muffins that is set aside in a protected area to ensure it is safe until the time comes when the consuming begins. This is one of those chocolate muffins that should be locked in a climate controlled vault with an armed guard outside the door. A muffin that is just moist enough to not be sticky and it has chunks of chocolate chips in it that are slightly melted from sitting on the console of the truck. This is one of those muffins that you just do not eat; you break it apart and savor every bite until it is completely gone.

About two years ago, part of my job as a General Manager of a local business was to drive a semi tractor and tanker combination.

One morning when leaving Kelso and heading north on interstate 5, I neatly arranged my lunch on the console next to me in a manner that would allow me to have easy reach to the contents of my lunch. This way I would not have to dig around in my bag looking for something to eat. I remember that I had radishes, carrots, kohlrabies all fresh out of the garden my wife planted, some grapes, and the infamous chocolate muffin.
On my trips to this area, I would exit interstate 5 northbound at exit #71 in Centralia. When I would come to the bottom of the exit, there were three lanes with two of them turning left. Since the vehicle I was driving was over 60’ long, I would have to position myself in the “right” left turn lane in order for me to have enough room to turn around the corner. Every time I came to the light at the bottom of the exit, there would be a gentleman standing on the curb to my left. Since I always positioned myself with a turn lane between us, I would seldom have to look at the beggar on the corner holding a sign that read work wanted, hungry, homeless or whatever catchy slogan he thought would melt my heart just enough for me to give him some cash (probably to go buy beer, or I thought).
This is a busy intersection and the lights work remarkably well by metering the flow of traffic to keep everyone moving and satisfied that they do not have to sit and wait for the light to turn green while trying to pretend they did not see the begging man on the corner (like I was doing).
This particular morning when I came to the light, I positioned myself in the usual turn lane but this morning I was the first in line at the light and I could clearly see the beggar man on the corner to my left. I tried not to make eye contact and stared straight ahead wishing the light would turn green. That is when I heard Gods voice. As I described earlier, it was not an audible voice but a clear directive from the Lord. At first I ignored the instructions He gave me, but He continued to speak to me in that clear masculine, authoritive, voice He has, give him your muffin! As I looked at my lunch sitting there on the console, I answered Him with; I will give him my radishes. Somewhat proud of myself as being willing to give away part of my lunch to a homeless man. Instantly the Lord said, No, give him your muffin!
At this point I started to argue with the Lord about what part of my lunch I would give away to the poor. Thinking this is somehow going to solve the world hunger problems. He said clearly, give him your muffin. No I will give him my kohlrabies. No, give him your muffin! Looking at my lunch, I said, I will give him my carrots. The reply again was, no give him your muffin! As I looked up to a somewhat lingering red light, I thought to myself, why isn’t this light turning green? This light always works well and keeps traffic moving, what is the problem with it today?  Then I heard the voice again, give him your muffin.
My reply again was, I will give him my grapes. The Lord again instructed me to give him your muffin. I said, but I want my muffin and have been saving it for last, I am looking forward to eating it. It is going to taste sooo good when I get a chance to eat it.
At this point I had probably been sitting at that red light arguing with the Lord for an hour or so, even though it had probably only been maybe a minute, it seemed to be a lifetime.
When the Lord wants you to do something, He does not give up easily with us just because we are a little stubborn and will not give away something like a stupid muffin. Then once again I heard the Lord say, give him your muffin!
At this point I was out of things to barter with. Looking up at the red light wishing it would turn green, I said fine! I will give him the stupid muffin! Grudgingly I rolled down the window of the truck and hollered at the man standing on the curb. When he looked in my direction, I motioned for him to come to me. As he hurried to the door of my truck, I opened the door and handed him my prized muffin. As soon as he took the muffin from me I closed the door and looked up to the light. The red light had somehow miraculously turned green. As I continued my route for the day I kept thinking about why I had to give away my muffin I so dearly want to consume.
When I returned home after work that day, I told my wife Sherrie about what had happened and asked her, what do you think that means? Her reply was clear and simple. She said it sounds to me that you need to start carrying two muffins in your lunch. She is so smart!
After thinking about this experience, I have come to the conclusion that I do need to take my wife’s suggestion and carry two muffins, and we need to be a little more generous with what we have. After all, it all comes from the Lord, and who are we to argue when the Lord tells us to do something with something He gave us in the first place.
In my case, that muffin was very valuable to me at that time. Since I was driving a vehicle that was roughly 92,000 pounds and over 60’ long. I couldn’t just pull over and park anywhere I wanted and go into the store and buy another muffin. The muffin was maybe worth .59 cents and I could have bought a dozen of them “if” I was not driving the vehicle that I was.
It’s my belief that this was a lesson for myself and was not even meant to help the gentleman on the corner. He was placed there that morning as a piece of the lesson that needed to taught.
We must share what the Lord has given us. Please do not get me wrong. I am not talking about giving everyone we see a money handout, but we can give them a smile, say good morning, lend a helping hand, or even share His word with them.

Matthew 28:19, 20,
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”